The U.S. House of Representatives approved a measure on Thursday (267-165) that would prevent the federal government from interfering with state ...
June, 2019
17 June
#1 Reason Why Americans Want Cannabis Legalized Is Pain Relief
A recent survey by Nielsen revealed that about one-third of U.S. adults want cannabis legalized so they can have access to ...
16 June
Toyko Warns the World Against Cannabis at 2020 Olympics
Countries around the world have started to legalize marijuana. But, in Japan, marijuana remains illegal and it can come with steep ...
15 June
Cannabis Removes Toxic Alzheimer’s Protein from the Brain
Scientists have found that THC may help remove clumps of toxic amyloid beta protein in the brain. The protein is responsible ...
13 June
Cincinnati Decriminalizes Possession of Up to 100 Grams of Marijuana
The Cincinnati City Council voted (5-3) on June 12 to decriminalize the possession of up to 100 grams of marijuana (3.5 ...
11 June
Cannabis Industry to Surpass NFL in Revenue by 2020
The NFL’s revenue is roughly $15 billion a year. Marijuana sales were near $10 billion in 2018 and are expected to ...
8 June
Israel Law Makes Marijuana Available by Prescription
Israel’s Health Ministry has removed marijuana from its Dangerous Drugs Ordinance, which will help medical marijuana patients get easier access to ...
7 June
Hemp History Week’s Nationwide Events from June 3-9
Hemp History Week, the biggest education-focused campaign about hemp in the U.S., is celebrating its 10th anniversary with events across the ...
5 June
Study: “No Increase in Crash Risk” Among THC-Positive Drivers
According to a new study published in the journal Addiction, drivers in Canada who tested positive for THC do not cause a significant increased ...
3 June
Ben & Jerry’s Announces a CBD-Infused Ice Cream
The Ben & Jerry’s ice cream company has announced that it will be launching a CBD-infused ice cream. The ice cream ...